Looking for a credit card that does almost everything is a very difficult thing to do. There are specific credit cards for specific financial needs and you will find it impossible to search for a credit card that does everything.

The Advanzia Gebührenfrei Mastercard Gold Card is one of the few credit cards out there that does the impossible. For so long, many people have been looking for a credit card that offers zero annual fee, can be used anywhere, and allows you to pay your transactions back through installments. There are still so many things to discover about this amazing credit card, especially with its features and perks.


Learn more about the Advanzia Gebührenfrei Mastercard Gold Card with the article below and you can also learn how to apply for the card.

Advanzia Gebührenfrei Mastercard Gold: Learn How to Request
Image Source: Reisetopia

Highlights of Advanzia Gebührenfrei Mastercard Gold Card

The Advanzia Gebührenfrei Mastercard Gold Card is one of the most popular credit cards in Germany. 

Advanzia Gebührenfrei Mastercard Gold: Learn How to Request
Image Source: Handelsblatt

If you wish to learn more about the card, here are some of the best highlights of the Advanzia Gebührenfrei Mastercard Gold Card.

Permanently No Annual Fee and Many Other Charges

Many people often have to deal with a lot of fees and other extra charges such as annual fees and foreign transaction fees. This can be quite annoying especially if you don't often use a credit card. 

You pay for extra charges when you're supposed to use the card anywhere you like. Fortunately, the Advanzia Gebührenfrei Mastercard Gold Card is a great option for those who don't want to deal with these extra charges. 


The card offers zero annual maintenance fees, no foreign transaction fees and you also have free cash withdrawals all over the world.

Receive a Joining Bonus

When you apply and get approved for the Advanzia Gebührenfrei Mastercard Gold Card, you immediately get a joining bonus of 25€. This is only available for first-time applicants and you do not have any other accounts from the bank. 

Take note that this may also be only available as a promotion and may not be currently available by the time you apply for this specific card.


Installment Options

The Advanzia Gebührenfrei Mastercard Gold Card is a revolving credit card where you are offered a credit line that gives you enough flexibility. 

The credit card allows you to pay for your transactions and your monthly bill in easy-to-follow and flexible installment options. 

If you're struggling financially, you're able to save a lot of money and manage your finances with this feature. No more struggles paying off your credit and risk dragging your credit score lower.

High Acceptance Worldwide

With the Advanzia Gebührenfrei Mastercard Gold Card, you also do not have to worry if your card will be accepted by a few merchants. The card is widely accepted by many partner merchants and establishments all over the world. 

You can finally go cashless when you go on your vacation halfway around the world and still be able to pay for all of your transactions. 

You don't even have to worry about cash withdrawal charges as the card is accepted in more than 44 million establishments all over the world.

Contactless Payments Made Possible

Another great reason to have the Advanzia Gebührenfrei Mastercard Gold Card is its available payment options which include contactless payments. 

You can link your credit card to your Apple Pay, Google Pay, and even Garmin Pay so you don't have to carry the card with you when you pay. 

You can use your smartphone to pay for your transactions or still use the card by tapping it into the terminal. It is quick and easy to do as well as very safe for your account.

Interest Rates That You Should Know

The Advanzia Gebührenfrei Mastercard Gold Card offers 7 weeks of interest-free period. 

Advanzia Gebührenfrei Mastercard Gold: Learn How to Request
Image Source: Verbraucherschutz

During this time, you will not be charged an interest fee whenever you use the card for purchases and many other transactions. 

You will then be charged with a 20.63% APR after the 7 weeks. Make sure that at this time, you do not have any outstanding balance or you have fully paid your bill to avoid getting charged with the interest rate.

Contact Details

If you have further inquiries or you need assistance with the card, you can call their customer service hotline at 0800 880 1120. 

A representative will be with you to assist you with your needs. You can also call the hotline to block your card in case any fraudulent activity is detected. 

You may also visit their main office located at Advanzia Bank S.A., 9 Parc d'Activite Syrdall, L-5365 Munsbach.

How to Apply for the Advanzia Gebührenfrei Mastercard Gold Card

When applying for the Advanzia Gebührenfrei Mastercard Gold Card, you will need to follow the bank's application process. 

Advanzia Gebührenfrei Mastercard Gold: Learn How to Request
Image Source: Reisetopia

There will be several steps involved that you need to do so you can be approved for the card. 

Check out how you can apply for the Advanzia Gebührenfrei Mastercard Gold Card below.

Be Eligible

All applicants must be eligible to apply for the card first. You must be at least 18 years old and must have a German address. 

Take note that they may require several documents to prove that you are qualified for the card. You may also be required to submit your credit report to check your credit rating before you apply.

Applying Online

If you are planning to apply for the card online, the first step is to head over to the official website and click on the card. You have to enter basic information such as your name, address, and other details until you complete the form. 

Make sure that you review everything before you submit your application. You will also be offered credit insurance which you can always opt out of. Wait for the confirmation email as they will be assessing your creditworthiness.

Receiving Your Card

Once approved, your Advanzia Gebührenfrei Mastercard Gold Card will be sent to you in the next few weeks. 

You will receive a welcome email containing instructions on how to activate and use your card.


Getting the Advanzia Gebührenfrei Mastercard Gold Card is the best thing that you can have if you're looking for a balanced credit card. It offers more than just the usual credit card features but it lets you manage your finances very well. Check out this amazing credit card today and apply now.

Note: There are risks involved when applying for and using credit. Consult the bank’s terms and conditions page for more information.