Do you ever want to own a credit card that does everything? Many credit cards are commonly used for things like travel rewards or to build credit. You might not know it yet, but there is a simple credit card loaded with features and benefits that might sound too good to be true.

The Aeon Card has a great offer for you. The AEON Visa Credit Card is one of the most highly requested and popular credit cards in Hong Kong due to its availability and highly contentious features.


If you're curious about the AEON Visa Credit Card, check out the article below to learn more. You'll also discover how to request an Aeon card in this article.

Learn How to Request a Aeon Card
Image Source: AEON Credit Service

Quick Facts About the AEON Visa Credit Card

The AEON Visa Credit Card offers different privileges and features all year round, including reward points, welcome offers, cashback, and even dining experiences. 

Learn How to Request a Aeon Card
Image Source: BusinessToday

Ready to learn what the AEON Visa Credit Card is all about and what it has to offer? Check out all the features below.

Enjoy Cash Back With the AEON Visa Credit Card

All cardholders can enjoy up to a 5% credit purchase discount at AEON every 2nd and 20th of the month. 

There is also an AEON Day where every transaction worth HK$500 will let you earn 15 times the bonus points. 


This only happens on the 10th of each month, so make sure that you plan your purchases carefully when you have this credit card.

Dine at Your Favorite Restaurant and Earn a Rebate

When you dine at your favorite restaurant, which is also an AEON partner establishment, you can earn up to a 4% cash rebate. 

You must register for this promotion to enjoy the perks of using the card. 


This only applies to local dining and healthy options within Hong Kong, so you must first check their list of partner restaurants.

Earn Reward Points

The AEON Visa Credit Card also has the AEON Bonus Point Program, where you can earn one reward point for every HK$1 you spend using the card. 

You also get the same points when you use the card to purchase and pay using the AEON Card Installment Plan. This encourages you to use the card for most of your transactions to earn points. 

Redeeming the points is also quite easy. You can fill out the redemption form online, convert them to miles, or donate them to charity.

Use the Card Overseas

While many other credit cards charge you more for spending your credit abroad, the AEON Visa Credit Card instead gives you more. 

If you use the card overseas, you will receive up to HK$1,240 in cash rebate. This is also applicable to local and online shopping as long as you use the card to make the purchase.

Express Card Issuance

Applying for the AEON Visa Credit Card is relatively easy online. You can apply for the card within the next few minutes, and you will immediately receive their response within 30 minutes. 

There is no more waiting in line to submit your application and then waiting a couple more days to find out if you have been accepted. Find out more about the application process below.

Interest Rates and Other Charges

The AEON Visa Credit Card has permanently waived the annual fee, so you will never have to pay any extra yearly charges to maintain the card. 

Members also do not need to pay a foreign transaction fee when using the card abroad. The annual interest rate is 35.02% for purchases and 35.86% for cash advances. 

The late payment fee is HK$300 or the minimum payment due, whichever is lower. The over-limit fee is HK$120.

Contact Details

If you need assistance with your card or have further inquiries, you can contact their customer service hotline at 2895 6262. Representatives will help you with your concerns. 

You can also visit their main office located on the 20th Floor, Mira Place Tower A, 132 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

How to Apply for the AEON Visa Credit Card

As mentioned above, applying for the AEON Visa Credit Card is very easy. 

Learn How to Request a Aeon Card
Image Source: Experian

Follow the application process, including the eligibility requirements, and you'll receive your update within 30 minutes. 

Check out the steps below on how to apply for the AEON card online.

Eligibility Requirements

First, you must know if you are eligible for the card. You must be a Hong Kong resident and 18 years old or older. 

Applicants must have a stable income with documents to prove it. You may be required to upload and submit several other documents during application so prepare them beforehand.

Applying Online

Head over to the official website and look for the AEON Visa Credit Card under the credit card menu. 

Click on Apply, and then you will be asked to log in to your account if you already have an AEON account or create one if you don't have one yet. 

Fill out the necessary fields with your details, including your full name, date of birth, contact details, mailing address, and more. 

Providing More Details

You must then provide your employment history, annual income, and many other details. 

There will also be a section about direct marketing and declaration in the end so be sure to take your time in filling out the online application forms. Review everything including the terms and conditions before you submit.


After submitting your application, you will wait less than 30 minutes to know if you have been granted or approved. 

After approval, your card will be sent to the mailing address you entered during your application.


No other credit card comes close to what the AEON Visa Credit Card has to offer. It has points you can redeem for rewards, cashback, zero annual and foreign transaction fees, and so many perks. 

Check out all the details of the AEON Visa Credit Card in this article and apply for one today!

Note: There are risks involved when applying for and using credit. Consult the bank’s terms and conditions page for more information.