Many credit cards often have a specific role, like a travel rewards card that rewards you every time you use the card for travel. Other cards offset your debt or simply reward you with cashback when you use it for any transaction. If you're looking for a credit card that covers all of that and more, check out the Nationwide Member Credit Card.
The Nationwide Membr Credit Card is an all-rounder credit card meant to be used for almost any transaction. Use it on your next grocery run or for flights to your favorite destination.
Learn more about the Nationwide Member Credit Card and how to apply for the card online in this article.
Benefits of Using the Nationwide Member Credit Card
The Nationwide Member Credit Card is perfect for anyone who wants to use a credit card for daily transactions as well as those who want to travel.
Using a credit card abroad will cost you almost nothing when you use the card for transactions. You also won't incur any monthly or yearly fee to maintain your membership with the card.
This is very impactful for people who want to save up by incurring fewer fees. The Nationwide Member Credit Card also features flexibility when it comes to its introductory offers. You get to choose between two introductory offers that fit your lifestyle.
Lastly, when applying for the card, you can check your eligibility without compromising your credit record.
Interest Rates and Fees
It is always important to note all of the interest rates and possible fees that you'll incur when using the Nationwide Member Credit Card.
The card's representative APR is 19.9% to 24.9% based on your creditworthiness. The minimum credit limit that you can get is £500 and there are no annual fees to maintain the credit card.
Other charges include 2.5% of the total amount withdrawn for the cash fee and 2.4% of the total amount of each balance transfer as your balance transfer fee. The late payment fee starts at £12, so always pay on time to avoid receiving such charges on your account.
Choose From Two Introductory Offers
One of the best perks for a new Nationwide Member Credit Card cardholder is being able to choose between two different introductory offers.
These offers include the Balance Transfer Offer or the All Rounder Offer. Each offer will depend on how you want to use the card. With the Balance Transfer Offer, you'll get 0% APR on balance transfers for the next 18 months and 0% APR on purchases for the next 3 months.
You also won't receive any fees for purchases made abroad. The Balance Transfer Offer is made by people who regularly transfer their balance from one card to another.
The All Rounder Offer is for those who want to be flexible with card use, or who plan on making big purchases. You'll get 0% interest on purchases for the next 15 months so you can repay your entire purchase during that duration.
Contact Details
If you have further inquiries, you can call Nationwide through their customer service hotline at 0845 730 2010.
You can also visit any nearby Nationwide branch. Their main office can be found at Nationwide Building Society, Nationwide House Swindon, SN38 1NW.
What Happens When You Use the Card Abroad
Many of us often apply for a credit card for daily usage but others want to have the convenience of paying for transactions abroad. With the Nationwide Member Credit Card, you are assured that you can always use the card abroad.
Without any foreign transaction fees, you can use it for any kind of transaction whether at a restaurant, a souvenir shop, a hotel, and everywhere else.
Take note that individual sellers may apply their own charges. If you use the credit card for cash withdrawal overseas, take note that you will be charged a fee of 2.5% or a minimum of £3. Additionally, some ATMs will also have additional charges.
Managing Your Card Properly
With the Nationwide Member Credit Card, you have complete control over your account. The card provider will never increase your credit limit without your permission.
Nationwide sends free text alerts to your registered device every time a transaction is made, especially when you make purchases between £100 and £30,000.
All products purchased within that range are subjected to purchase protection. You will also receive notification when you are near your credit limit or when your chosen introductory offer is about to end.
How to Apply for the Card
To apply for the Nationwide Member Credit Card, you will need to prepare certain documents. You can then head over to the official Nationwide website, choose the Nationwide Member Credit Card from their range of products, and click "Apply".
Fill out the necessary information required to proceed with the application. Review your details as well as the terms and conditions before submitting them.
Another way to apply for the card is to visit your nearest Nationwide branch and bring all the necessary documents.
You'll need to wait at least a week before you get notified for approval and another week to receive your card.
Eligibility for the Nationwide Member Credit Card
When you apply, you'll be required to use the website eligibility checker to confirm whether you are eligible for the card. When you run the eligibility checker for the Nationwide Member Credit Card, there are no risks to your credit score.
To check if you're eligible for the card, you will need to provide your employer details, address history for the past three years, your annual income, and monthly expenses.
You cannot apply for this card if you already have a credit card with Nationwide or if you were declined for a card within the last 30 days.
Whether you're looking to offset your debt or simply want to use the card for a grocery purchase or book your next summer vacation, the Nationwide Member Credit Card is a well-rounded credit card for a range of needs.
Note: There are risks involved when applying for and using credit. Consult the bank’s terms and conditions page for more information.