If you shop often but aren’t a fan of carrying large amounts of cash on you, then getting a credit card is a wise decision. Still, given the fact that there are so many different options on the financial market, it isn’t the easiest task to find one that will meet all of your needs.

For this reason, we went through numerous credit cards that are available to citizens and permanent residents of South Africa and came across the Woolworths Gold Credit Card. Not only does it seem to offer a simple application process, but there are also many features and benefits directly related to the WRewards Programme.


To help you decide whether it is something you will enjoy, we have prepared a thorough review focusing on the fees and charges, as well as the benefits that you will reap. Let’s take a look!

Woolworths Gold - Learn How to Apply for a Woolworths Credit Card and Participate in the WRewards Programme
Image Source: Money Today

Fees and Interest

First and foremost, you are probably interested in the monthly card fee. Set at R57, it is quite affordable compared to what most other banks have to offer.

Another great part of this offer is that you won’t pay any many transaction fees. Not only that, but you are also released from internet banking fees, which makes settling your expenses on-the-go much easier. The fee on foreign transactions, however, is 2.5%.


The withdrawal fee is the alsmot the same whether you are getting cash from your local branch or at an ATM. It is set at R27, but when you take out cash from a branch, you are also subject to a fee of R1.30 per R100 taken. The account payment fee is set at R4.50, plus R1.50 per R100 for a maximum of R15 total.

As for the late payment and penalty fees, we weren’t able to find anything on the official website. This is something that you can ask the bank directly. However, the website does also mention that there is an initiation fee of R193.

Also read: Learn How to Apply Now for an African Bank Gold Credit Card


How to Apply

As with most banks that allow online banking, the application process shouldn’t take up a lot of your time. Everything is done through an online inquiry on Woolworths' website, and once you submit the relevant documents, you should be met with an instant decision. If and when you are approved, you will be able to pick up a credit card at your nearest branch.

The first requirement that you need to fulfil is being able to prove that you are over 18 years of age. Along with that, you will need to provide an RSA ID number, as well as proof that you earn at least R3,000 on a monthly basis.

Additionally, you must have a valid ID card when going to the nearest branch to pick up your credit card. You will also need to submit bank statements and payslips for the last couple of months.

Features and Benefits

The first perk related to the card is that you will get 2% back in WReward on all Woolworths purchases except the ones made at the Engen garage.

Along with that, you will get .75% quarterly cashback on purchases that are not from Woolsworths, including fuel purchases. You will also be able to enjoy automatic travel insurance and medical and legal coverage.

Also read: Learn How to Order a Nedbank Credit Card – Nedbank Classic

Bank Contact Details

If you have more questions or would like more information about this credit card, you can contact the bank directly by phone at 0861 50 20 20. You can also reach them by email at creditcard@wfs.co.za.

Lastly, you can get more information at any Woolworths store or by visiting their main office at 93 Longmarket Street, Cape Town.

Woolworths Gold - Learn How to Apply for a Woolworths Credit Card and Participate in the WRewards Programme

Also read: Absa Personal Credit Card – Learn How to Request the Gold Card


At the end of the day, the Woolworths Gold Credit Card is one of the many excellent store-branded cards in South Africa.

You can become a WRewards member, and the fees and charges are quite reasonable, so you should certainly consider this card if it meets your needs and budget!

Note: Consider the risks involved in using credit products before applying by consulting the issuing institution’s terms and conditions.